God particle says
I have no proper identity
Has no mode of visibility
With no proof of validity
so my field space is empty
My field provide everyone mass
Still everyone is very harsh
But something force them to guess
That I don't deserve their cross
One day a man came
Who gave me great name
Tell everyone my game
Put me in god frame
Fermions make matter
I also make anti matter
Whose presence is greater
If human eyes are better
I have no proper identity
Has no mode of visibility
With no proof of validity
so my field space is empty
My field provide everyone mass
Still everyone is very harsh
But something force them to guess
That I don't deserve their cross
One day a man came
Who gave me great name
Tell everyone my game
Put me in god frame
Fermions make matter
I also make anti matter
Whose presence is greater
If human eyes are better
Fermions and bosons make matter